Page 5 - Motherhood in Prison
P. 5


                                     Having, for most of my life, been involved in work that required
                                     me to see the unseen and speak about things considered best left
                                     alone, I was highly honoured to be invited to write the foreword
                                     to Motherhood in Prison.

                                     This collection of poems and artwork, created by incarcerated
                                     mothers in Zambia, draws back into the light a section of society
                                     whose womanhood, motherhood and sometimes very humanity
                                     is lost to the shadows of facelessness and stigma of having broken
                                     the rules so fundamentally, as to be taken away from society.

                                     We are reminded that, behind the steel gates of prisons, are
                                     individuals, in this case mothers, with a history, career, dreams,
                                     loved ones and life. We hear of their pining for their children, the
                                     remorse at pain caused, the missed life experiences both mundane
                                     and significant. The hope, many times desperate, drawn from
                                     those waiting outside, the desire for redemption and a future is
                                     expressed in a few understated words. Through this collection,
                                     we learn that in our prisons are all of us. Full human beings.
                                     Their voices should be heard, and their experiences be more than
                                     statistical. They have names and lives!

                                     Laura Miti

          By: Vanessa
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